[Lazarus] The last version of the manuals

Arí Ricardo Ody ari.ody at japinfo.com.br
Wed Aug 13 20:43:09 CEST 2008

Zitat von Graeme Geldenhuys <graemeg.lists at gmail.com>:

> On Wed, Aug 13, 2008 at 11:40 AM, Mattias Gärtner
> <nc-gaertnma at netcologne.de> wrote:
> >> Is there a File Browser in the Lazarus IDE?  The Project Inspector
> >> cannot be used for what I need.  For example, I have lots of optional
> >> units in some projects (tiOPF project being one of them). Those units
> >> are only pulled into the system at compile-time via project wide
> >> DEFINE's.
> >
> > Why did you not add them to the project?
> > You can remove them from the uses section if you want.
> Those units need to be maintained, but they don't compile with FPC,
> but only with Delphi. For example, the persistence layers used in
> tiOPF:  ADO, BDE, DOA (direct oracle access), UIB, dbExpress, etc...
> As far as I understand, if you add them to the project or laz package,
> they are still going to be compiled even if removed them from the uses
> clause (Compile Clean option), which then means it will fail under
> FPC.

Why do you think that?
Lazarus always only compiles the main source file. FPC decides what to compile.

> > The debian and rpm packages install file associations, so double clicking
> starts
> > lazarus.
> > But at the moment every time a new IDE is started.
> Not the desired behaviour either... I'll implement the File Browser
> (Lazarus add-on package) instead. Double clicking a file would then
> open it in the editor.  Another benefit of this approach would mean
> that later other developers could extend the file browser to integrate
> with SVN as well or whatever else they can come up with...



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