[Lazarus] Codepage question

Mattias Gaertner nc-gaertnma at netcologne.de
Fri Aug 15 13:32:22 CEST 2008

On Fri, 15 Aug 2008 13:04:44 +0200 (CEST)
Michael Van Canneyt <michael at freepascal.org> wrote:

> Hi,
> I have a DBF file which has data in some DOS codepage.
> I'm trying to get the contents displayed correctly in Linux.
> I am aware of the 'OnTranslate' event of the TDBF component.
> (obviously, all TStringFields have Transliterate set to True)
> I am also aware that there is some OEMToAnsi windows function
> which - in a delphi application - does the trick: the data
> is then displayed correctly if I do:
> function TMainForm.DBFFileTranslate(Dbf: TDbf; Src, Dest: PChar;
> ToOem: Boolean ): Integer;
> begin
>   OemToAnsi(Src,dest);
>   Result:=-1;
> end;
> Obviously, this works in Delphi because Windows uses the ANSI
> codepage.
> In lazarus (linux) this does not work. There is a space on the place
> of special characters (german umlauts, ringel-s and so on)
> I also know Lazarus uses utf8. 
> So, How do I get my dos/ansi/whatever string displayed correctly in
> the grid?

Does that mean, you want to convert a string in a specific DOS
codepage to UTF-8 under Linux?

See lcl/lconvencoding.pas ConvertEncoding. With fpc2.3.1 it uses
libiconv to convert arbitrary encodings.
"iconv -l" gives you a list of all encoding names.
This is somewhat slow.
Or you can convince me that the DOS codepages should be added to the
unit. Then you will get fast converters.


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