[Lazarus] Lazarus operational under vista

ArĂ­ Ricardo Ody ari.ody at japinfo.com.br
Fri Aug 15 14:25:44 CEST 2008

Finally Lazarus seems to be operational under windows vista. But I must to do a manual operation after install it. I must change the configuration files directories.

I'd like to suggest to the developer team that when installing under Vista use "c:\User\<user>\AppData|local\lazarus" as default directory for configuration files. It's, more or less,  the translation of "c:\documents and settings\<user>\application data\local settings\lazarus"(thanks to mr. Felipe Carvalho from Sao Paulo who gives me this information) from XP to new(and complex) Vista directories approach.

The command to call Lazarus in the shortcut was: 

C:\lazarus\lazarus.exe --primary-config-path=c:\Users\ADM\AppData\Local\lazarus



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