[Lazarus] unusable/endlessly reloading mainIDE
Reenen Laurie
rlaurie at gmail.com
Sat Dec 6 11:09:11 CET 2008
I thnk the EEE pc is the thing that limits you the most here... They have
very small HD space and memory wise they might struggle to run Lazarus
(however I thought I saw someone post screenshots with it).
On Sat, Dec 6, 2008 at 1:42 AM, Pécsi István
<Pecsi.Istvan at stud.u-szeged.hu>wrote:
> First of all, sry for my English.
> Hardver: ASUS EEE 901, OS: UNR Ubuntu 8.10
> I have tried to install several versions of Lazarus via Synaptic and
> SourceFourge, nameily 9.22, 9.24 and 9.26. The installation succeeded
> all the time but the IDE is unusable: the mainIDE endlessly reloads
> itself, making the left side of the panel vibrate: the buttons are
> unclikable here, however when I move the cursor above them, the hint
> appers sometimes. The pages appear and usually (but not always)
> clickable, but they are all empty. Since the menus are unopenable too,
> the rebuild of the IDE won't work. The IDE is not closeable with
> hotkeys or with the close button, and I can't switch to any other
> program or window after I launched Lazarus, forcing me to restart the
> machine after each try.
> I have absolutely no idea about what could be the trigger of this
> event, so I decided to ask your help to solve it.
> I have to mention that I am new to Linux, I was a Windows user recently.
> Regards,
> Istvan Pecsi
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,_.>/ _
...speed is good
I believe five out of four people have a problem with fractions.
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