[Lazarus] TBitmapCanvas public

Coppola Ing. Salvatore coppolastudio at gmail.com
Wed Dec 10 16:42:08 CET 2008

Mattias Gärtner wrote:
> Zitat von Paul Ishenin <webpirat at mail.ru>:
>> Coppola Ing. Salvatore пишет:
>>> Coppola Ing. Salvatore wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> can the TBitmapCanvas be declared public (I mean before
>>>> "implementation") in the unit Graphics?
>>> I assume is NOT!
>> No, assume silence as nobody remember why it is so and nobody have time
>> to look :(
> Because there was never a reason to make it public. Private things can be
> changed easier.
> Why should it be made public?

There are some Printer Preview such as PagePrinter based on Windows 
TMetafile and TMetafileCanvas. Replacing TMetafile with TBitmap and 
TMetafileCanvas with TBitmapCanvas with some little change they can 
works under Linux and other OS to.

thanks all
> Mattias
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