[Lazarus] TBitmapCanvas public

Marc Weustink marc at dommelstein.net
Fri Dec 12 01:40:39 CET 2008

Coppola Ing. Salvatore wrote:
> Mattias Gärtner wrote:
>> Zitat von Paul Ishenin <webpirat at mail.ru>:
>>> Coppola Ing. Salvatore пишет:
>>>> Coppola Ing. Salvatore wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> can the TBitmapCanvas be declared public (I mean before
>>>>> "implementation") in the unit Graphics?
>>>> I assume is NOT!
>>> No, assume silence as nobody remember why it is so and nobody have time
>>> to look :(
>> Because there was never a reason to make it public. Private things can be
>> changed easier.
>> Why should it be made public?
> There are some Printer Preview such as PagePrinter based on Windows 
> TMetafile and TMetafileCanvas. Replacing TMetafile with TBitmap and 
> TMetafileCanvas with TBitmapCanvas with some little change they can 
> works under Linux and other OS to.

I do understand that a TMetafile needs a TMetafileCanvas and that it is 
therefore declared, however I don't see why a TBitmapCanvas is needed 
public when you have TBitmap.


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