[Lazarus] Changed Compilers Options, Run, Build versus Build All

Marco van de Voort marcov at stack.nl
Sat Dec 13 23:08:14 CET 2008

On Fri, Dec 12, 2008 at 04:44:46PM +0100, Hans-Peter Diettrich wrote:
> > be compiled with -Sh, others do not make that assumption and include {$H+}
> > in the source.
> I'd go the Delphi way, and make "string" dependent on global settings 
> only. If somebody wants specific Ansi- or ShortStrings, s/he should use 
> the according types, in favor of the generic "string" type. Such strict 
> typing will make even legacy code better reusable. I dunno about the 
> perfomance of ShortString with FPC, but I don't think that there exist 
> many cases, where ShortString really provides any advantage over AnsiString.

string=Shortstring is about TP compatibility. string=ansistring for Delphi
2..D2007 compatibility. string=tunicodestring for D2009 compatibility (if a
future FPC does that).

IOW it is about backwards compatibility, not current usages scenario's.

But I agree it could make an educational version easier.

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