[Lazarus] Appending to a binary file

Dave Coventry dgcoventry at gmail.com
Fri Dec 19 14:10:41 CET 2008

Mattias Gärtner schrieb:

> I'm not sure how synedit should handle the unit concept.
> The lfm is associated with the unit. A unit has a starting file (e.g. unit1.pas)
> and an arbitrary list of include files, plus the po file of the project/package,
> the fpdoc xml file and .res files. Each of them work together and need very
> different code.

No file should be opened more than once, so there must exist a 
centralized manager (file pool), keeping track of all open files and 
other related data collections. That manager should have a concept of 
units. In MVC terms the file pool is the Model, with various Views 
(editor, form designer, code explorer...), and everything is controlled 
by (an dedicated part of) the IDE.

> synedit is the 'lines' view of the sources. Most of the lazarus code don't work
> with lines, but with whole files or absolute positions.

Right, but when a file is loaded, there must exist means to access its 
contents - no matter whether the contents in memory are organized in 
lines, there must exist means to map line numbers into the associated 
text. That mapping must be done in one dedicated place, so why not in 
the owner of the file itself?


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