[Lazarus] Error while compiling resources

Vincent Snijders vincent.snijders at gmail.com
Tue Dec 23 20:58:12 CET 2008

Leonardo M. Ramé schreef:
> Some times I need to create simple proof of concept apps with only a 
> main form, without saving anithing. In Delphi to accomplish this I 
> create an application then Run it.
> If I try this in Lazarus without saving the project, an "Error while 
> compiling resources" message appears. This message doesn't help, is 
> there a possibility to improve this by letting Lazaurs explain a little 
> more what is causing the error? or better, let it compile the project 
> without needing to save.

See http://bugs.freepascal.org/view.php?id=12645

As a workaround, set the directory for test projects in the environment 
options to something like c:\temp.


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