[Lazarus] List has been modified

Giuliano Colla giuliano.colla at fastwebnet.it
Fri Feb 15 12:52:01 CET 2008

zeljko ha scritto:
> On Thursday 14 February 2008 20:58, Giuliano Colla wrote:
>> mramirez ha scritto:
>>> Testing new lazarus mail server ;-)
>>> cheers (with one shoot of tequila, don't recommend two, while coding)
>>> mramirez
>> When not coding, we might start some cultural exchange, to compare the
>> virtues of tequila with grappa, sljivovica (zeljko, do you listen?),
> yes, but sljivovica is popular in Bosnia and northeast Croatia, not here , 

I guessed so, but it was more in character with tequila.

> here is popular something like ouso (we call it anisetta .... you call it 
> grappa ) ;),

wrong ;-) , we call anisetta "anisetta" (anise or aniseed flavored, 
similar to french absinthe and pastis, turkish raki, greek ouso, etc.), 
and grappa "grappa" (made with grape residue after winemaking, no 
flavors added).

  but I prefer red wine :)).

me too (when it's good) :)


Giuliano Colla

Whenever people agree with me, I always feel I must be wrong (O. Wilde)

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