[Lazarus] TCheckbox and +/- keys

Graeme Geldenhuys graemeg.lists at gmail.com
Mon Feb 18 07:49:03 CET 2008

On Feb 17, 2008 10:51 PM, denisgolovan <denisgolovan at yandex.ru> wrote:
> When I build for wince on linux using arm-wince crosscompiler, everything seem to be ok. Except main window height(it is too large)

Define too large. We just use what WindowsCE offer as default for us.
>From wincewsforms.pp:

    if (BorderStyle <> bsDialog) and (BorderStyle <> bsNone) then
      //TODO:little bit dirty but works, why the captionbar height is
taken from height ? what flag does that ?
      Height := Height+25;

> and close button(application just disappears and hangs).  Maybe some workaround?

How do you know it hangs?

The close button doesn't kill the application because Windows CE
doesn't want it (it doesn't send a WM_CLOSE message). If you want to
kill the app set a OnClose event handler and use

There is some discussion to change that, but no working alternative
was found yet.

> PocketPC - A63x architecture (ARM, of course), FPC 2.3.1 svn, Lazarus svn.

I see you are using subversion, and that's very oportune, because I
did a lot of changes very recently and having someone that can test
them is great =)

For example the wince interface should now be fully unicode. I also
fixed getting system default colors.

Felipe Monteiro de Carvalho

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