[Lazarus] TSimpleIPC documentation
Mattias Gärtner
nc-gaertnma at netcologne.de
Tue Feb 19 13:33:23 CET 2008
Zitat von Graeme Geldenhuys <graemeg.lists at gmail.com>:
> On 19/02/2008, Mattias Gärtner <nc-gaertnma at netcologne.de> wrote:
> >
> > Yes, and I already started something. The problem is, that Lazarus and FPC
> comes
> > with more than 130.000 identifiers (linux fpc 2.2.1) and that searching
> takes
> Yikes!
Did I mention, that this is without packages?
> > some time. The search time is mostly limited by the harddisk speed, so the
> > first time the search can take a minute on slow systems. Of course the
> second
> > time the codetools finds the identifier in a second on recent systems.
> > So, I was thinking about this:
> > When the find declaration fails the IDE pops up a progress dialog with a
> cancel
> > button, running the code browsing to locate candidates.
> So the first attempt uses the uses clause? Second attempt will do the
> search.
Yes. The uses clause normally reaches only a few thousand identifiers. That's
why it so fast.
> I'm sure others will complain, but heres another though. :) What if
> you do the search at Lazarus startup. After Lazarus started and loaded
> it's first project, fire off a background thread (low priority) doing
> the searching. While the developers starts finding his feet and starts
> coding, Lazarus is collecting the lookup table (or whatever it needs)
> in memory in the background. Realistically, by the time the developer
> is looking for help on something, everything is already loaded. That
> cache information could maybe even be saved to the hard drive so at
> the next Lazarus startup the cache can be loaded from the hard drive
> first, making the lookup loading even quicker.
I did some tests and I think a identifier database has only one advantage:
On slow and low memory systems.
On recent computers the browsing is sufficient if done properly and boosted by a
background pre loader thread.
And the code browsing can be used for some more advanced tools, while the
identifier database is specific to one task. So I will first improve the code
browsing and maybe eventually a database plugin.
> I guess some people would prefer to have the background search thread
> as a toggle option in Environment dialog.
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