[Lazarus] Opinions required on what the ReadOnly property should do for LCL controls.

Marius fpclazarus at home.nl
Thu Feb 21 17:43:47 CET 2008

Gerard N/A wrote:
> There's a discussion going on about TDateTimeEdit.ReadOnly in Mantis 
> report 10861.
> It's not a technical discussion, it's more about what ReadOnly should 
> and shouldn't do.
> See. http://bugs.freepascal.org/view.php?id=10861
> The list is probably a better place to discuss this, so please read the 
> report and give your opinion here.


Readonly = Not writable = Cannot change the contents of what is supposed 
to be edited in that particulary component. So when readonly we are not 
allowed to change the contents by entering text or changing the text 
indirect via a popup or any other dialog (its could still be allowed to 
show the popup).

But i see Vincents point also, there must be a way for advanced 
components to disallow direct character input and only accept dialog 
input. For example a TRzSpinEdit with a property AllowKeyEdit. But IMHO 
it is just a luxurious version of disallowing keys to avoid manual 


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