[Lazarus] zeos and heaptrc (interfaces?)

Luca Olivetti luca at wetron.es
Mon Jul 7 17:38:53 CEST 2008

En/na Vincent Snijders ha escrit:
> Luca Olivetti schreef:
>> En/na Joao Morais ha escrit:
>>> Luca Olivetti wrote:
>>>> I was trying to detect memory leaks, so I activated the -gh (use 
>>>> heaptrc) option in compiler options.
>>>> I left it activated and I added a zeos component (an sql query).
>>>> As soon as I activate the query, the program exits (with no exceptions 
>>>> but a lot of heaptrc errors).
>>>> If I remove heaptrc the program works fine (and it doesn't appear to be 
>>>> leaking memory, btw).
>>>> I see that zeos extensively uses interfaces, maybe is there some problem 
>>>> using heaptrc with interfaces?
>>> I am also using refcounted interfaces and observed several leaks with 
>>> 2.2.0, which disapeared a couple of weeks ago with branches_2_2. What is 
>>> your fpc version?
>> It was a win32 lazarus snapshot from 2008-06-08 with fpc 2.2.3 (2.2.2 
>> rc1 was just branched at the time, so I suppose it's pretty similar to 
>> 2.2.2rc1).
>> However what bothers me is not the memory leak (I think there is none) 
>> but the fact that the program terminates as soon as I activate the query.
> TBH, I think you found memory corruption in ZEOS.

It was actually a small memory leak. Thanks to your statement and 
Martin's advice (no, I didn't follow it ;-) ) I took a look at 
heaptrc.pp and I saw that it halts the program when a fault occurs in 
freemem (and zeos uses freemem) and I could redirect the output to a 
file (the dialog box in the lazarus application truncated the result, so 
it wasn't too helpful), see where the leak happened and fix it.
Tomorrow I'll see if it's been already fixed in zeos svn and if not I 
will report a bug there.
Thanks again to both of you.

Luca Olivetti
Wetron Automatización S.A. http://www.wetron.es/
Tel. +34 93 5883004      Fax +34 93 5883007

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