[Lazarus] Recent Graphics changes...

Marc Weustink marc.weustink at cuperus.nl
Tue Jul 8 09:52:20 CEST 2008

wile64 wrote:
> Hi,
> I turn quickly,
> I load images like this, (size 8192x8192)
> var
>      BmpMap: TBitmap;
>      Image1: TImage;
> Begin
>    BmpMap.Width: = Map.width * Tiles.Width;
>    BmpMap.Height: = Map.height * Tiles.Height;
>    MapImage: = BmpMap.CreateIntfImage;
>    / / ... image processing
>    BmpMap.LoadFromIntfImage (MapImage);
>    Image1.Picture.Bitmap.Assign (BmpMap);
> end;
> 1) Since the last change LoadFromIntfImage takes +/- 11 seconds, before 
> 1 second.
> 2) The TImage is in a ScrollBox, the image disappears (1seconde) when I 
> scroll.
> Is this a problem or should be done differently now?

There isn't much changed in LoadFromIntImage, but I need to lookup if 
the internal rawimage is shared correctly. In the worst case a pixelcopy 
is made, which is not necesary in this case.

one little optimalisation is setting the size like:

   BmpMap.SetSize(Map.width * Tiles.Width, Map.height * Tiles.Height);

Another optimalisation would be creating the RawImage directly and not 
through a bitmap.

(but all those don't change a bit on loadfromrawimage)


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