[Lazarus] More for the Lazarus Wish list

Bent Normann Olsen bent at earmaster.com
Tue Jul 15 11:17:50 CEST 2008

Oh, I found, ListDatasource is delphi components DBLookupComboBox
attributes. Moreover, the situation was not encouraging, Lazarus has not yet
developed this component. I would like to see:
http://bugs.freepascal.org/print_bug_page.php?bug_id=8257, it said:

Summary:       0008257: Mossing components DBLookupComboBox and
Description:     This componets does almost the same as DBComboBox and
DBListBox but have some extra fields

I would like to, whether there are ways ? For example, PopupMenu +
TDBlistBox used to simulate DBLookupComboBox. Who can give suggestions ?

2008/6/26 Joost van der Sluis <joost at cnoc.nl>:

> You have probably only set the datasource+field of the field in which
> you want to store the data. You also have to provide a datasource and
> two fields (one with the key, one with the value you want to show) to
> generate the list from which you want to choose. Look at ListDatasource,
> KeyField and ListField.
> Joost
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