[Lazarus] Create transparency
Marc Weustink
marc at dommelstein.net
Mon Jul 21 14:31:54 CEST 2008
Valdas Jankūnas wrote:
> Hello,
> My code loads a PNG image from resource, modifies it, and then paints
> on canvas:
> var
> png: TPortableNetworkGraphic;
> img: TLazIntfImage;
> bmp: TBitmap;
> begin
> // load from resource
> png:=TPortableNetworkGraphic.Create;
> png.LoadFromLazarusResource('a_png_image');
> // prepare for modify
> img:=png.CreateIntfImage;
> png.Free;
> // modyfy
> ...... changing colors, setting alpha, ...
> // prepare for draw
> bmp:=TBitmap.Create;
> bmp.LoadFromIntfImage(img);
> img.Free;
> // paint
> ......
> If image in resources has no alpha channel (img.HasTransparency
> returns False in these cases), then in resulting image i get black
> colour where i set colTransparent (in "modyfy" code block). How to
> insert alpha channel (or maybe mask, [transparency==mask in recent
> graphics changes?]) in existing image?
Before setting alpha values, the Rawimage description used by the
IntfImage requires an Alpha channel. When setting full transpacency for
a pixel, the value RGBA(0,0,0,0) is used. Without Alpha channel this
results in a black pixel.
I don't have a fast (always working) way for adding an alpha channel. A
slow way is creating a second image with a rgba description and copy the
A faster way, (which might work in most cases) is when you have a 24bit
depth description with a 32bits per pixel image. Then you can simply add
an alpha description (precision=8, shift=24 or 0) to the rawimage.
Another thing, I'm not sure if loading form IntfImage/RawImage sets the
right pixelformat (and thus image description).
Anyway, maybe the bmp is OK. How do you paint it ?
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