[Lazarus] bracket highlights color / issue 1621

Martin Friebe lazarus at mfriebe.de
Fri Jul 25 01:44:37 CEST 2008

Hello Ivan,

Thursday, July 24, 2008, 1:23:36 AM, you wrote:

IG> Hi
IG> Be warned that this will fail on some databases
IG> Example, ZEOS components, Lazarus 0.9.25 Unicode UTF-8, database 
IG> encoding UTF-8
IG> I suggest you look first at the table encoding, then the communication
IG> with your server
IG> If these are right then you should have no need for further 
IG> transliteration, use pure utf8

My wish is to continue using "locale" data, no unicode data in both
sides but using the more recent versions of lazarus than 0.9.24. Ok, I
can compile Lazarus without unicode support but as someday the whole
system should be updated to unicode I want to work in a mixed mode and
a way to do so should be possible without a great problem.

Basically I wish to receive data from DB in ISO8559-1 locale (the
system one, so default locale) and data should be converted to UTF8 to
be displayed by DBAware components. The edition in DBAware components
could could create a character that has no representation in current
locale but in that case I have no problem in get a '?' mark or any
other symbol, but I can not deal with continuos exceptions out of my
control, blanked lines or the worst case characters with changed
representation ('ñ' -> 'c').

I'll investigate it and try to create some kind of filter that allows
me to get a clean ISO8559-1 -> UTF8 -> ISO8559-1 without too much code
to be added in many places and without exceptions.

Thank you for your help.

Best regards,

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