[Lazarus] Proble compilig last SVN

Guadagnini David sw.dept at biotecnica.it
Fri Jun 6 10:25:04 CEST 2008


I try to compile last svn release (15335) with make clen all and have 
the follow error:

LResources.pp(4813,26) Error: Identifier not found "SParExpected"
LResources.pp(4892,48) Error: Identifier not found "SParInvalidFloat"
LResources.pp(4921,32) Error: Identifier not found "SParInvalidInteger"
LResources.pp(4933,47) Error: Identifier not found "SParUnterminatedString"
LResources.pp(4934,48) Error: Identifier not found "SParUnterminatedString"
LResources.pp(5024,32) Error: Identifier not found "SParWrongTokenType"
LResources.pp(5031,34) Error: Identifier not found "SParWrongTokenSymbol"
LResources.pp(5046,51) Error: Identifier not found "SParLocInfo"
LResources.pp(5062,37) Error: Identifier not found 
LResources.pp(5106,26) Error: Identifier not found "SParExpected"
LResources.pp(5123,30) Error: Identifier not found "SParInvalidFloat"
LResources.pp(5164) Fatal: There were 11 errors compiling module, stopping
Fatal: Compilation aborted
make[1]: *** [alllclunits.ppu] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `C:/lazarus/lcl'
make: *** [lcl] Error 2

Note: I work on Windows XP professional service pack 2 with free pascal 
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