[Lazarus] Bug using Lazarus under KDE (minimizing)
Marc Santhoff
M.Santhoff at t-online.de
Fri Jun 6 12:11:36 CEST 2008
Am Freitag, den 06.06.2008, 11:32 +0200 schrieb Graeme Geldenhuys:
> Hi,
> Another issue when using Lazarus under KDE. This seems to be a Lazarus
> issue, because my fpGUI based applications do not behave like this.
> Every time I switch desktops and return to the desktop that is running
> Lazarus, all the Lazarus windows are minimized. That's 5-7 windows I
> have to restore one by one, every time!!
> Under Gnome, FVWM2 this never happened. I'm running Lazarus v0.9.25
> r15115M i386-linux-gtk. This is enough to make me stop using Lazarus,
> as I switch desktops quite often during my work.
> Anybody got a work-around or other solution for this? And compiling
> Lazarus to GTK2 or KDE is not an option. GTK1 is far more stable and
> responsive.
Me too.
When using WindowMaker on FreeBSD and the same happens every time when
switching virtual desktops.
If single windows (editor+messages) are restored (not the main window)
they mostly hold their state after switching and (CTRL-)F9 works, too.
svn rev. 14640 here ...
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