[Lazarus] Postgres Dlls not found

Marc Weustink marc at dommelstein.net
Sat Jun 7 18:14:24 CEST 2008

> Thanks. Applied.
> Mattias

No, not really. The part of the code that does the trick of sending the 
message to the correct control is this (in procedure TControl.WMMouseWheel, 
in file control.inc):

if not Assigned(RealControl) then RealControl:=Self;

if RealControl.DoMouseWheel(Message.State, Message.WheelDelta, MousePos) 

which was not applied (although the rest seems to be moved). Without this, 
TPaintBox and other non TWinControls do not receive the wheel messages.

I'm attaching a new patch against revision 15345 which adds these lines. I 
have tested it and it works as supposed.

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