[Lazarus] File Open Dialog [ARM-WinCe]
cc_ at freemail.hu
cc_ at freemail.hu
Fri Jun 13 14:44:15 CEST 2008
JoshyFun wrote:
> Hello Paul,
> Thursday, June 12, 2008, 2:02:50 PM, you wrote:
>>> When the application is being activated StayOnTop flags are being
>>> restored and window application moved to top of ZOrder.
> PI> Correct. Can you attach another patch in more usual format which
> PI> tortoise svn or another svn tool do. I dont understand your format and
> PI> my tools too.
> I had used the diff.exe present in lazarus bin folder. I can not use
> Tortoise because svn.lazarus is not rechable using my DSL, it is a
> common problem with some ISPs. One connect works and the next one will
> not and wait forever, the behavior is completly random. Since a week
> ago everything seens to work but I'll wait a few days to verify that
> everything is fine.
> To manually apply the patch simply remove lines starting with "<" and
> replace them using lines marked with ">". I had attached the same diff
> using RCS format. Basically it simply check that
> WindowsInfo.StayOnTopList have something, if empty it does not apply
> the SetWindowPos.
>>> I was unable to see any possible side effect of this patch as when
>>> StayOnTop windows are present behaviour changes to work as before the
>>> patch.
> PI> This needs to be tested in application with StayOnTop forms.
> I had tested it, but please do it too.
> PI> This things needs to be rewriteen in more generic way since not only
> PI> win32 but other widgetsets should do the same clearing/restoring
> PI> stayontop on activate/deactivate.
> To my needs at least (I'm not using stayontop windows) this patch
> solves 80% of the problems, but there are other SetWindowPos which
> changes the ZOrder that I think that could be prevented (SWP_NOZORDER)
> without impact but as I do not know exaclty the purpose of that call I
> can not verify that everything works as before (apparently works as
> before).
>>> PS: Is the remove of StayOnTop flags expected ? StayOnTop flags in
>>> windows is desktop wide, so a deactivated application with StayOnTop
>>> should keep its StayOnTop windows on top, or maybe I'm wrong ?
> PI> Yes, it is expected. 1) Who needs another application windows when he
> PI> doesnot working with it? 2) This is delphi compatible 3) We have many
> PI> complains when we did not do so in bug-tracker.
> 1) In the past I wrote a little application that uses StayOnTop system
> wide window as a drop target ;) Of couse it must be visible everytime.
> 2) Nothing to say :) That's important (never checked against Delphi).
> 3) he, he, he... sure :)
Quick question: is this related to problem with MessageDlg or
ShowMessage called from form shown modally ? I see in latest Lazarus SVN
that each time I'm doing it focus is not returned properly to the
modally shown form (it looks like a lost focus)
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