[Lazarus] Error compiling last SVN

Guadagnini David sw.dept at biotecnica.it
Fri Jun 20 09:46:57 CEST 2008


I have an error compiling last SVN (15472).
I work with FPC 2.2.0 on Windows XP professional

If I compile in IDE the messages are:

"Compiling package TAChartLazarusPkg 0.0" completed
C:\lazarus\components\images\LazPNG.pas(33,20) Error: There is no method 
in an ancestor class to be overridden: "class 
TPNGImage.GetDefaultFPReader:Class Of TFPCustomImageReader"
C:\lazarus\components\images\LazPNG.pas(34,20) Error: There is no method 
in an ancestor class to be overridden: "class 
TPNGImage.GetDefaultFPWriter:Class Of TFPCustomImageWriter"
C:\lazarus\components\images\LazPNG.pas(43,1) Fatal: There were 2 errors 
compiling module, stopping

but if I execute Make Clean All on command line no errors appeare and 
then i I re-execute an internal build the errors appeare again.

The problem is on pack ImagesForLazarus.


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