[Lazarus] Win32 API replacement calls

Kostas Michalopoulos badsector at slashstone.com
Fri Jun 20 16:06:56 CEST 2008

> Well nobody has full figures on any of them, E17 got a massive boost
> for being the (base of) native deskop on the very popular eeePC
> and the GPC as well. But you are right I forgot about XFCE but it is a
> very popular one, quite possibly more than E17.

My eeePC had a custom Asus launcher, not E17 (which wouldn't be a good idea 
to use in eeePC, since it uses a lot of CPU and eeePC has a weak CPU). Some 
programs were GTK programs and some (most) were Qt programs. In the eeeuser 
wiki there is mentioned a "full desktop mode" which basically installs the 
full KDE (since eeePC uses a lot of KDE programs it makes more sense than 
installing some other desktop). However personally i just removed the Qt/KDE 
programs and installed XFCE :-P.

I don't know about GPC though.


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