[Lazarus] Graphics changes (r15472)

Felipe Monteiro de Carvalho felipemonteiro.carvalho at gmail.com
Sat Jun 21 14:45:47 CEST 2008

The new image changes made TTrayIcon stop working.

The following trivial code no longer works and crashes (from trayicon example):

procedure TfrmTrayTest.btnPaintTestClick(Sender: TObject);
  SecondImage: TIcon;
  SecondImage := TIcon.Create;

    SecondImage.Height := 22;
    SecondImage.Width := 22;
    {$IFDEF FPC}
    SecondImage.Canvas.Draw(0, 0, MyImage);
    Canvas.Draw(0, 0, SecondImage);

TApplication.HandleException Cannot change size of icon image
  Stack trace:
  $000BD014  TCUSTOMICON__SETSIZE,  line 613 of ./include/icon.inc
  $000B1C35  TRASTERIMAGE__SETHEIGHT,  line 684 of ./include/rasterimage.inc
  $000284DC  TFRMTRAYTEST__BTNPAINTTESTCLICK,  line 106 of frmtest.pas
  $000ECC86  TCONTROL__CLICK,  line 2094 of ./include/control.inc
  $000FF77F  TBUTTONCONTROL__CLICK,  line 57 of ./include/buttoncontrol.inc
  $000FFE65  TCUSTOMBUTTON__CLICK,  line 185 of ./include/buttons.inc
  $00100301  TBUTTON__CLICK,  line 326 of ./include/buttons.inc
  $0010001A  TCUSTOMBUTTON__WMDEFAULTCLICKED,  line 240 of ./include/buttons.inc
  $000E317F  TWINCONTROL__WNDPROC,  line 4715 of ./include/wincontrol.inc
  $00190575  DELIVERMESSAGE,  line 103 of lclmessageglue.pas
  $0019063C  SENDSIMPLEMESSAGE,  line 129 of lclmessageglue.pas
  $00190C16  LCLSENDCLICKEDMSG,  line 525 of lclmessageglue.pas
  $001B0688  TCARBONCUSTOMBUTTON__HIT,  line 326 of carbonbuttons.pp
  $001A6658  CARBONCONTROL_HIT,  line 46 of carbonprivatecontrol.inc

Felipe Monteiro de Carvalho

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