[Lazarus] Printing a formatted page

Dave Coventry dgcoventry at gmail.com
Sun Jun 22 08:33:25 CEST 2008

     Hi folks,

I am new to Lazarus, and still learning the ropes, so I am probably missing something. I am porting a component suite, and I while the runtime packages migration went very smooth the design time packages, no surprise, have to be largely rewritten from scratch.

I am trying to figure out how to obtain TIDesigner from TPersistent? If the TPersistent is component it is straight forward:

  Temp := GetPersistentReference;
  if Temp is TComponent then begin

However I am writing editor for a class type property, and need to obtain the designer for it. In Delphi the designers are always available in the property editor. How to get the designer in Lazarus for a TPersistent inherited class properties. How to do that?

  With best regards,
    Boian Mitov

Mitov Software

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