[Lazarus] Using Oracle XE with Lazarus.

Paul Linehan plinehan at yahoo.com
Sun Jun 29 13:06:55 CEST 2008

Am Freitag, den 27.06.2008, 09:09 +0200 schrieb Graeme Geldenhuys:
> On 27/06/2008, Mattias Gaertner <nc-gaertnma at netcologne.de> wrote:

> >  Please try something like fpc/packages/univint/src/MacOSAll.pas.
> >  Jump to the end of the file and see what happens to the highlighting
> >  and your CPU.
> That is impressive. SynEdit handles a 10.2Mb file without problems.
> Even Gnomes gEdit slows down on that file, but it's way better that
> KDE's Kate or KWrite editors. The latter two are quite slow, until
> it's all caches.  Even Midnight Commanders internal 'mcedit' editor
> works quicker than KDE's ones. That's clearly something the KDE
> developers screwed up - seeing that Qt rates performance quite high.


I tried that in JEdit (a Java editor having pascal syntax highlighting
using the swing toolkit). It appears that:

- I had to increase the java heap size to get that file loaded (in a
session having 15 or so other files, some small, some big) from 32MB to
64 MB - other programs would not have this limit but suck in system
memory at will

- loading the file took some time (~1-3 seconds) amongst all other files

- when hitting CTRL-Down the first time the CPU usage goes up a
noticable step and a short pause occured (~2s)

- when browsing around by keyboard after the first move to the eof I did
*not* note any slow down or extraordinary load

- when scrolling the file using mouse and scrollbar the cpu load does go
up, but it works without delay

Concluding I'd say JEdit handles this file without problems.


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