[Lazarus] Using internet componets with Lazarus.

Marco van de Voort marcov at stack.nl
Sun Jun 29 14:54:38 CEST 2008

On Sun, Jun 29, 2008 at 12:36:18PM +0200, Paul Linehan wrote:
> Have just downloaded lazarus and am playing around
> with it. I'm the type of person who needs a project
> to keep me focused so what I'd like to do is to
> write a newsreader with Lazarus (yawn.. yes I know
> there are 40 million newsreaders out there, but it's
> something that I want to do!).

Search for "openXP", they had a pretty complex BBS/email/nntp app at some
point. It was console based though.
> So, my question is, where is the best place to 
> get internet components for Lazarus? On searching, 
> I see that there are two possibilities 
> 1) ICS
> and 
> 2) Indy
> Has anyone used these successfully with Lazarus?

Indy 10 works and is fairly platform independant. ICS is windows only by design
(though an attempt was made to emulate that on Kylix. I never bothered)

I used ICS, Indy9 and Indy10 with Lazarus. The wiki has details about Indy10
somewhere with an archive pointing to my site.

> If so, how do I go about the download and install
> process, preferably with a sample project or
> two to get started on - hint. really really simple,
> plain step by step instructions appreciated.

Well, that's the main problem with Indy10, examples are pretty worthless.
> I am currently running Windows XP Pro, but I plan
> to make the move to Linux soon. 

Then ICS is out of the question.

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