[Lazarus] Update to README.txt

Malcolm Poole malcolm at lingua-z.co.uk
Tue Mar 4 22:35:35 CET 2008

On Tue, 04 Mar 2008 20:13:13 +0100
Bogusław Brandys <brandys at o2.pl> wrote:

> Hello,
> How is VFI working in lazarus SVN ? Any documentation ?
> I have a problem converting forms from delphi. A base form is:
> type
>    TInstantEditForm = class(TForm)
> the inherited form just adds a lot of components to base form.
> Now when I try to import such Delphi forms both looks exactly the
> same as a base one in other words : all controls from inherited form
> is lost.
> What can I do to fix it ?
> Here is the inherited form declaration (quite big so I placed it at
> the end of this email) :
>   TInstantAttributeEditorForm = class(TInstantEditForm)

Maybe the inherited form was converted before the ancestor form. Then
the IDE did not found an ancestor.lfm file.
Just close both designer forms and reopen them again.


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