[Lazarus] Lazarus for education bugfix

Rainer Hamann rainer at hamann-kiel.de
Wed Mar 26 18:22:08 CET 2008

Rainer Hamann wrote:
> <div class="moz-text-flowed" style="font-family: -moz-fixed">I'm  
> running Lazarus on Linux, so I set up compiler options to e.g. 
> $(LazarusDir) /ide/include/linux/ instead of 
> $(LazarusDir)/ide/include/$(TargetOs). Bugfix is uploaded. I hope, 
> that it is running.
> Rainer Hamann
> </div>

1) MainIDE.SetupStartProject must be moved from section "protected" to 
section "public".

2) Laz4edu compiles on Windows, but linking fails :

Compiling resource lazarus.rc
c:\lazarus\fpc\2.2.0\bin\i386-win32\windres.exe: no resources
laz4edu.pp(115,1) Error: Error while linking


Rainer Hamann

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