[Lazarus] Printing in Text mode on Windows?

Lee Jenkins lee at datatrakpos.com
Fri May 2 04:12:53 CEST 2008

Jesus Reyes wrote:
> --- Lee Jenkins <lee at datatrakpos.com> escribió:
>> On Linux, I would think printing to CUPS in text mode to be easy,
>> but Windows 
>> I'm not sure.  I have a unit that I use in Delphi to do this, but
>> tried to port 
>> it over to Laz/FPC without success so far.
>> I did happen upon the rawmodetest example in /components/printing,
>> but it 
>> doesn't seem to work.  I tried it on Windows using an Epson 220 dot
>> matrix 
>> receipt printer installed with the Generic Text Drive without
>> success.
>> Any pointers?
>> Thanks,
>> -- 
>> Warm Regards,
>> Lee
> The Rawmode printing in windows, quote from ms docs "tells the
> spooler not to alter the print job at all prior to printing" as it
> seems your printer uses a propietary command set maybe you need to
> send some initialization or so to printer. 
> According my google result, TM-U220 (if that is the model of your
> printer) "Supports ESC/POS operating system; the standard code for
> POSprinters". You will probably need to have command reference for
> esc/pos. Then send to printer something it makes sense to it.
> I don't know what do the Delphi unit does, what I know is that
> printer in Delphi don't have raw mode support by default.
> Jesus Reyes A.

Thanks for replying, Jesus.

Odd, I didn't have to do anything with the plain text using the unit I was using 
in Delphi, but then again I don't possess a lot of knowledge about internal 
printing.  I have attached the unit that I was using in Delphi with great success.


Warm Regards,


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