[Lazarus] OpenPrinter, StartDocPrinter, EndDocPrinter?

Lee Jenkins lee at datatrakpos.com
Sat May 3 02:13:58 CEST 2008

Lee Jenkins wrote:
> I see that these functions are located in the WinUtilPrn.pas unit.
> What is the best/appropriate way to get access to this unit?  Referencing it in 
> my uses clause doesn't work.  I suspect there some include magic going on 
> underneath somewhere...
> Thanks!

Never mind.  Well it only took me all day to get direct raw printing working. 
In the end, I ended up modifying the attached unit (which I've used in Delphi) 
to get it to work in Lazarus.

Thanks to all that helped.  I appreciate it.

Now I'm about 75% sure I can re-write this application in Lazarus. :)


Warm Regards,

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