[Lazarus] Newbie questions

Bill de Carle ve2iq at magma.ca
Tue May 6 02:56:00 CEST 2008

Mattias Gaertner wrote:
> On Sun, 04 May 2008 09:51:56 -0400
> Lee Jenkins <lee at datatrakpos.com> wrote:
>> I noticed that the "Align" command on the form designer short cut
>> menu is disabled when there is only one control on the form
>> selected.  Is this by design?
>> There are many times when I need to quickly center a control
>> vertically or horizontally on a form.
> Enabled in 15049.
> Mattias

Thank you.


Warm Regards,


"When my company started out, we were really, really, really, really small. 
Now...we're just really small."

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