[Lazarus] Newbie questions

Paul Ishenin webpirat at mail.ru
Wed May 7 15:54:45 CEST 2008

Bill de Carle wrote:
> At 09:39 PM 5/5/2008, Paul Ishenin wrote:
>> [..]
>> You can turn KeyPreview of your Form to True and add OnKeyPress handler.
>> In your OnKeyPress handler make a check for space key and focus control
>> you like.
>> For example:
>> TForm1.Form1KeyPress(Sender: TObject; var Key: Char);
>> begin
>>    if Key = 32 then
>>      PerformTab(True);
>> end;
> Although this works, it should be noted that the results are not 
> identical when using the space bar and the tab key.  The tab key 
> simply moves the cursor to the next input box whereas the space bar 
> first appends a space character to the end of the text in the edit 
> box, then performs the tab function.  
replace you code with:
if Key = #32 then
  Key := #0;
> On another point, I see the UpDown widget doesn't work exactly as 
> expected.  Normally one would expect the value (.position) to 
> increase then the uparrow
> is clicked and decrease when the downarrow is clicked.  That happens 
> most of the time in the current implementation but it seems that 
> whenever the direction changes the first click in the new direction 
> actually performs the *old* operation first before changing the 
> direction.  For example, with a starting value of 0, if we upclick 
> three times in a row the value goes to 1, 2, 3 just as expected.  If 
> we now click on the downarrow the value goes to
> 4 instead of 2.  Subsequent clicks on the downarrow work as 
> expected.  I see there is a website for viewing bugs but haven't 
> found a place to report such things.  Is there an official bug-logging place?
Open http://mantis.freepascal.org/, create and account there - you'll be 
reporter then. Select lazarus project and press "Report Issue" link.

Best regards,
Paul Ishenin.

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