[Lazarus] PowerPDF Installation

Lee Jenkins lee at datatrakpos.com
Fri May 9 21:13:04 CEST 2008

Vincent Snijders wrote:
> Lee Jenkins schreef:
>> Hi all,
>> I noticed that JPegForLazarus has been replaced with ImagesForLazarus.
> No, JpegForLazarus has been merged into the LCL. So just can remove that 
> requirement.
> Vincent

Thanks Vincent.  I did remove the requirement and LCL was already a requirement, 
but still complains that LazJpeg cannot be found.  Any idea what might cause that?

Below is the uses from power pdf PdfJpegImage.pas unit where the error surfaces.

   SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, PdfTypes, PdfDoc, PdfImages,
   LazJPEG // <== Here it says cannot find.

Just for fun, I implicitly added the LazJpeg.pas file to the package and it 
still does not compile.



Warm Regards,


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Now...we're just really small."

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