[Lazarus] LazReport

Paul Ishenin webpirat at mail.ru
Wed May 14 16:15:04 CEST 2008

Michael Van Canneyt wrote:
> The Fastreport People told me (back in October) that they planned to port
> FastReport 4 to Lazarus in Q1 of this year. Since I haven't seen anything
> yet, I assume that some problems popped up. I'm not altogether surprised 
> because it's not an easy task, given the complexity of FastReport :-)
First of all few products are already ported to fpc/lazarus. It is 
FastScript - script engine and FastCube - desktop olap engine (pivot table).
Next one will be FastQueryBuilder. It almost works and even sqldb 
connection were made exclusively for fpc :)
When all of them will work 100% on lazarus we will start FastReport 
port. I hope for that moment lcl will have much less bugs :)

Best regards,
Paul Ishenin.

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