[Lazarus] I ported some components, not sure if I can publish them :-(

Florian Klaempfl florian at freepascal.org
Sat May 17 11:57:39 CEST 2008

A.J. Venter schrieb:
>>>> "Diese Komponenten sind Public Domain, das Urheberrecht liegt aber beim
>>>> Autor."
>> [...]
>>> In Germany, "public domain" does not exist. One *can not* give up the
>>> copyright. But one can allow unrestricted use.
>> So what would you think reading that license?
> Either way, Germany cannot dictate to foreigners the terms under which
> they may make their works available unless they made public domain
> publishing so illegal as
> to ban the import of public domain works from countries that allow it
> - something I seriously doubt.

As I said before: one cannot drop the copyright in Germany (actually 
"Urheberrecht", correct translation would be probaly "creator right") 
because one did the work and nobody else, it's an absolut right which 
cannot be transfered except by inheritance.

But one can allow unrestricted use which is practically the same as 
public domain.

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