[Lazarus] ARM-WinCE test - DBF
cc_ at freemail.hu
cc_ at freemail.hu
Sat May 17 21:06:30 CEST 2008
I probably do not see the depth of the problem, and this seems to be just
too easy, but for me this should be done on the compiler level: how about a
compiler switch which forces the compiler to "think" as if the "unaligned"
keyword was there at the potentially problematic assignments. FPC and
Lazarus aims to have a single source for all platforms, and this is broken
if you have to change the source for ARM.
- Leslie -
----- Original Message -----
From: "Joost van der Sluis" <joost at cnoc.nl>
To: "General mailing list" <lazarus at lazarus.freepascal.org>
Sent: Wednesday, May 14, 2008 5:58 PM
Subject: Re: [Lazarus] ARM-WinCE test - DBF
> Op maandag 12-05-2008 om 21:38 uur [tijdzone -0300], schreef Felipe
> Monteiro de Carvalho:
>> On Mon, May 12, 2008 at 6:46 PM, <cc_ at freemail.hu> wrote:
>> > This might help a little to localize the problem: after removing the
>> > index
>> > from "angol.dbf" it opens without any problem.
>> Post a bug report to Free Pascal and attach the test app to it. I
>> never work in the datasets, so I can't help here. This is probably a
>> bug in the TDBf dataset.
>> In the mean time you can probably try other datasets. TDBf is known to
>> have problems with non-x86 architectures. Maybe someone else can
>> recommend a working dataset for wince, I rarely develop database
>> applications.
> Only thing I know, is that most other databases also have problems with
> wince. First problem is that a lot of sql-based db engines simply don't
> support WinCE. Second problem are misaligned-data problems in the
> db-units.
> And the only thing I know about alignment, is that it has something to
> do with starting each 'thing' (word, integer, longint) on an
> memory-location that could be divided by 2/4/8/whatever.
> And since I'm the one who's responsible for the db-unit, that could give
> some problems.... ;)
> I'll have to do some more research and try to get fpc working on a wince
> emulator or something, sometime, to fix this.
> Joost
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