[Lazarus] ARM-WinCE - FCL compilation fails

cc_ at freemail.hu cc_ at freemail.hu
Thu May 22 18:05:50 CEST 2008

Since I was not sure where to send my message, I have decided to post it 
here and to bug tracking too. Now I can see that this was a mistake, so I 
from now I am trying my luck with this problem only  here.

> How did you install and configure fpc 2.2.1?

1. Snapshot Installer with FPC 2.20 to "Q:\Lazarus\"
2. Snapshot Installer with FPC 2.21 to "Q:\Lazarus_221\"
3. Snapshot Installer with FPC 2.21 ARM-WinCE to "Q:\Lazarus_221\"
4. SVN update did not work on these directories and I was not sure what to 
delete, so I have downloaded  Lazarus SVN to  a separate dir, and had the 
"Q:\Lazarus_221\" dir overwritten   with it. From this point SVN checkout is 
possible to the "Q:\Lazarus_221\" dir.
5. FPC SVN to "Q:\Lazarus_221\fpc\2.2.1\source"
6. I have  for batch files to build from source
    - ARM-WinCE crosscompiler
    - FCL
    - LCL
    - IdeIntf

I have attached fpc.cfg file.

Thank you for your time!

 - Leslie - 
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