[Lazarus] Forms Color on Linux

Graeme Geldenhuys graemeg.lists at gmail.com
Fri May 23 08:47:48 CEST 2008

Lee Jenkins wrote:
> 1. Is is a known limitation of gtk1 that you cannot change the form's color? 
> I've tried to do this, but this (at design time) has no effect.

One of many reasons why I started fpGUI. When we still used LCL & GTK1 
(1.5-2 years ago), I was told it is not native behaviour and will not be 
fixed. Don't ask me what Linux native behaviour is, because every second 
Linux app behaves differently. :) A work around was to create some 
custom theme file, but that was not a solution for us.

I have no idea what's the state of LCL & GTK1 at the moment, regarding 
this issue. But from your comment, it seems nothing has changed.

> 2. With gkt2, the form's color does change with what it was set to at design 

I can't comment on GTK2. 1.5 years ago, GTK2 was totally unusable.

   - Graeme -

fpGUI - a cross-platform GUI toolkit using Free Pascal

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