[Lazarus] layout managers

Martin Schreiber fpmse at bluewin.ch
Fri May 23 16:49:58 CEST 2008

On Friday 23 May 2008 15.54:13 Marc Santhoff wrote:
> Hi,
> is there something like Javas layout managers available for Lazarus?
> I think a simple TBorderLayout would suffice, although I'd like to know
> other approaches that are similarly easy to use, especially when writing
> form building code by hand. Or maybe a tutorial explaning how to use
> Lazarus' standard classes in an efficient way.
> The only thing I found so far is the widgetgrid from MSEgui - that could
> be a starting point.
twidgetgrid is a tcustomgrid descendent where every inserted widget builds a 
data column. The inserted widgets with their event properties are working as 
if they were placed into a form. This makes it easy to build complex data 
grids with buttons, checkboxes, images, dropdown list edits, memos and the 
like. There is tdbwidgetgrid, a descendant with dbgrid functionality.
The MSEgui layout manager component is tlayouter from tab 'Widget'.


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