[Lazarus] rev 15229 and form parsing

Joao Morais post at joaomorais.com.br
Mon May 26 22:51:59 CEST 2008

Joao Morais wrote:
> Mattias Gaertner wrote:
>> On Sat, 24 May 2008 12:00:56 -0300 Joao Morais <post at joaomorais.com.br> wrote:
>>> Form (3) always raise exceptions saying 'Duplicate name: A component 
>>> named "Panel" already exists'. One message for each TAbstract member. 
>>> 22-may snapshot. Known issue, or should I create a project that 
>>> reproduces the problem and create a bug report?
>> Yes, please create a bug report.
> http://bugs.freepascal.org/view.php?id=11357

Hello Mattias, many thanks for fixing this one. A small issue that still 
persists is that if I have:


I can open Form2 without opening Form1, but the IDE still complains if I 
open Form3 without opening Form2. You can use the same attachment to 
test yourself: open the project and ConcrFrm without opening InhFrm.

Thanks for your valuable skill and time.

Joao Morais

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