[Lazarus] rev 15229 and form parsing

Joao Morais post at joaomorais.com.br
Tue May 27 12:58:57 CEST 2008

Mattias Gaertner wrote:
> On Mon, 26 May 2008 17:51:59 -0300 Joao Morais <post at joaomorais.com.br> wrote:
>> After the rev. 15229 (IDE: designer: implemented loading lists of 
>> ancestors) from Mattias, something got wrong with the parsing of one
>> of my forms. I cannot create a sample project, don't know what is 
>> happening. Everytime I open such unit, the .lfm file is opened
>> instead of an instance of the form. If I close the page that present
>> the .lfm, move to the .pas and press F12, the .lfm file is opened
>> again, and no form. Rev 15228 is ok. Tips?
> Probably some sub function returned an error code without notifying the
> user about the error.
> Start lazarus in a console with 
> --debug-log=log.txt 
> and send the log.txt to me.

The relevant line is:
[TJITComponentList.AddJITChildComponentFromStream] ERROR reading form 
stream of Class 'TOrcamentoEditForm' Error: Error reading 
FaturasStringGrid.ColWidths: Access violation

and the object is:
       object FaturasStringGrid: TStringGrid
         Left = 8
         Height = 81
         Width = 209
         ColCount = 5
         DefaultColWidth = 32
         DefaultRowHeight = 16
         FixedColor = clBtnFace
         Options = [goFixedVertLine, goFixedHorzLine, goVertLine, 
goHorzLine, goRangeSelect, goSmoothScroll]
         RowCount = 4
         TabOrder = 0
         ColWidths = (

If I remove the ColWidths property from the .lfm, the form is streamed 

Joao Morais

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