[Lazarus] rev 15229 and form parsing

Joao Morais post at joaomorais.com.br
Tue May 27 15:13:24 CEST 2008

Mattias Gärtner wrote:
> Zitat von Joao Morais <post at joaomorais.com.br>:
>> the object is:
>>        object FaturasStringGrid: TStringGrid
>>          Left = 8
>>          Height = 81
>>          Width = 209
>>          ColCount = 5
>>          DefaultColWidth = 32
>>          DefaultRowHeight = 16
>>          FixedColor = clBtnFace
>>          Options = [goFixedVertLine, goFixedHorzLine, goVertLine,
>> goHorzLine, goRangeSelect, goSmoothScroll]
>>          RowCount = 4
>>          TabOrder = 0
>>          ColWidths = (
>>            32
>>            32
>>            27
>>            32
>>            32
>>          )
>>        end
>> If I remove the ColWidths property from the .lfm, the form is streamed
>> flawlessly.
> Hmm. Maybe ColWidths don't support yet to be loaded twice.
> Can you now create a sample project?

Now it's a bit easier.


Joao Morais

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