[Lazarus] SQLQuery1: Field not Found: "enquiryreferencenumber"
Joost van der Sluis
joost at cnoc.nl
Wed May 28 10:46:52 CEST 2008
Op woensdag 28-05-2008 om 06:02 uur [tijdzone +0200], schreef Dave
> Hi.
> Following Damien's instructions I have DROPped my original table and
> created a new one in it's place:
> CREATE table registration (
> fname char(50),
> sname char(50),
> enquiryreferencenumber INT4 PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT nextval('reg_seq'))
> I have run my INSERT Query under PQConnection1 using the following arguments:
> sqlq:='INSERT INTO registration (fname,sname) ';
> sqlq:=sqlq+'VALUES
> ('''+FName.Text+''','''+SName.Text+''')RETURNING
> enquiryreferencenumber;';
> PQConnection1.Connected:=True;
> PQConnection1.ExecuteDirect('Begin Work;');
> PQConnection1.ExecuteDirect(sqlq);
> PQConnection1.ExecuteDirect('Commit Work;');
> PQConnection1.Connected:=False;
> Then I have attempted to retrieve the enquiryreferencenumber using
> SQLQuery1 as follows:
> SQLQuery1.SQL.Text:='SELECT enquiryreferencenumber FROM
> registration WHERE fname='''+fname.Text+''' AND
> sname='''+sname.Text+'''ORDER BY enquiryreferencenumber DESC LIMIT
> 1;';
> SQLQuery1.Open;
> enquiryreferencenumber.Text:=SQLQuery1.FieldByName('enquiryreferencenumber').AsString;
> SQLQuery1.Close;
> This gives me the following error:
> SQLQuery1: Field not Found: "enquiryreferencenumber"
> Can anyone help?
No idea. But you could try to set the fieldname between double-quotes
(") But that should only be an issue when you also did that while you
created the database.
You could also try SQLQuery1.Fields[0].AsString; as you did in your
first example.
And which version of fpc are you using? It could be a releaf if you use
a recent 2.2.1 snapshot.
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