[Lazarus] 0011231: FilelistBox shows Russian letters in file names wrongly

Vincent Snijders vsnijders at quicknet.nl
Wed May 28 16:07:28 CEST 2008

Andrey Gusev schreef:
> Question to Vincent Snijders:
> Why you hasten to close #11231 issue, in fact the problem is not solved 
> !?

It is closed, because it won't be fixed, not because it solved.

> On my localized XP SP2 box FileListBox works wrongly.
> That even without DisableWindowsUnicodeSupport using.
> Font.charset settings and font turning is helpless.
> As i understand it, r14961 solves this problem for English XP, but 
> raises problem for localized version.
> With a fpc 2.2.1 this problem solved by some way.
> It mean that's r14961 is the temporary solution for 3.3.1 brunch ?
> Unicode support is not fully implemented under Windows ?

It means that currently the FileListbox works only with fpc 2.2.1 and higher 
provided that you don't disable windows unicode support. All other situations are 
not supported. It is not fixed, but it doesn't work and I "won't fix" it.

If you use the fpc 2.2.1 or fpc 2.3.1 snapshot (without recompiling to disbale 
unicode support), is it broken too? If so, then you can reopen the issue.


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