[Lazarus] command line options

el stamatakos el_stamatakos at hotmail.com
Thu May 29 01:55:39 CEST 2008

This is the unit I use for this.

Hope it´s usefull for you.


Graeme Geldenhuys escribió:
> 2008/5/28 Bogusław Brandys <brandys at o2.pl>:
>> "straight GUIDs (e.g. generated by Delphi written application) has their
>> significant part at the end which does not provide for optimal indexing. Use
>> of the UDF generating UUID (reverse GUID) is said to improve performance
>> over the PK dramatically.
> I'll try and find the code for the 'UDF generating UUID (reverse
> GUID)' and create a tiOPF OID generator for it.
> Thanks for the information!
> Regards,
>  - Graeme -
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