[Lazarus] Carbon: Simple component in a simple package with strange behavior

Bent Normann Olsen bent at earmaster.com
Fri May 30 13:28:28 CEST 2008

Thanks Tom, it works. It's old Delphi habit, when you can use TWinControl
and design a new control from buttom. But TCustomControl is fine, and I'll
work with that ;-)


-----Original Message-----
From: lazarus-bounces at lazarus.freepascal.org
[mailto:lazarus-bounces at lazarus.freepascal.org] On Behalf Of Tom Gregorovic
Sent: 30. maj 2008 13:15
To: General mailing list
Subject: Re: [Lazarus] Carbon: Simple component in a simple package with
strange behavior

each TWinControl descendant needs to have implemented creation of
underlying Carbon control. If you want to use generic TWinControl, you
have to choose TCustomControl.

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