[Lazarus] SubVersion vs Git

Raistware raistware at gmail.com
Wed Nov 5 08:55:07 CET 2008

Graeme Geldenhuys escribió:
> Hi,
> Seeing that Lazarus and FPC are reasonable sized projects and have
> been using SubVersion for some time, there should be a few SubVersion
> experts around.
> Have any of you weighed up the pros and cons between SubVersion and
> Git? Has FPC or Lazarus team ever considered moving to Git? I'm busy
> downloading a 1 hour YouTube video demoing Git
> [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8dhZ9BXQgc4], so maybe afterwards I
> will have a better understand of Git.
> But from what I had read so far, Git seems superior in a few areas...
> I will list what I know below... What are your thoughts?
> * Git makes branching and merging really simple.
> * Git repositories are MUCH smaller. SubVersion has duplicates of each
> file which actually more than doubles the size of a repository.
> * Git is local, so checking history or doing commits are really fast.
> * You have lots of backups of Git repositories because they are local
> to each developer. In SubVersion, if the repository server is down,
> everybody is stuck.
> * Moving a SubVersion repository to Git is well supported. History stays intact.
> What I'm not 100% sure about is:
> *  How well is Git supported on other platforms than Linux?
> * Does Git handle eol-style like SubVersion, or does it have an
> equivalent feature?
> Regards,
>   - Graeme -
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IMHO Git support under Windows is very poor. Only works cygwin version, 
at least this summer, and not allways works all functionalities. I have 
lots of problems to get last version of a remote repository, and finally 
created a virtual machine with debian only to download the git repository.
So please, don't even consider moving to git until it doesn't work 
properly under all widelyused operating system.


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