[Lazarus] Performance of GTK 2 and CE

Aleš Katona almindor at gmail.com
Thu Nov 6 11:19:49 CET 2008

I can't comment on CE, but gtk2 performance is very display driver related.

I've recently moved to freeBSD 64bit and was forced to use the OSS radeon driver, and my gtkperf result went from ~55s to ~5s.

Try gtkperf on your machine and see what you get. If any test takes more than few seconds, there's something wrong, either your theme, or your driver.

Gtk2 isn't the fastest kid on the block, but it's not that slow either, if the drivers perform. (you need to use 2D accel, like EXA)

Aleš Katona <almindor at gmail.com>

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